Ordering & Payments
Order Status & Package Tracking
When your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email containing tracking information. Click 'View My Order’ from the email to view the progress of your delivery. From this Order page, you may check the order and shipping status with Shop (by Shopify) or by clicking on the tracking number to be directed to the carrier's tracking site.
Change Or Cancel An Order
Once an order is submitted, it cannot be changed. However, you might have the option to cancel it. To begin cancellation, you may sign into My Account and be directed to the Order page. From here, click on the order you wish to cancel, fill your order information, and choose 'Cancel my order' as the subject. If you don't have an account, please Contact Us for further support.
In case of minor shipping address errors (e.g. incorrect street number or missing apartment number), it's advisable to contact the carrier for assistance once the order has been shipped and tracking information is available.
Should you forget to use a promotion code or apply a gift card to your order, please reach out to us using the contact form from the Order page or Contact Us.
Payment Methods
Choice.atdang.com accepts payment via PayPal. PayPal supports a variety of payment methods. You can choose to pay with your bank account, Visa, Mastercard, Discover, or American Express card.
Important notice of your payment:
For information regarding the security and privacy of PayPal as a payment method, please refer to the official webpage of PayPal.
Credit Card ID Number/CCV:
This additional security feature requires a 3- or 4-digit number located on your card for online transactions.
- For American Express cards, it’s a 4-digit number positioned on the front, to the far right.
- For Visa or MasterCard, it’s a 3-digit number found on the back near the signature panel.
If your credit card doesn't have an ID Number, you don't need to enter one.
Current Promotions
In celebration of our grand opening, the first 100 customers who sign up for an account at Choice.atdang.com will receive a special 15% discount code for their first order, delivered via email. It's important to note that this discount code will only be valid for 7 days.
In addition, by registering you’ll automatically be subscribed for the latest news, exclusive offers, promotions for Choice.atdang.com. Click here to create an account.
We are also offering Free Shipping on all orders to celebrate the International Women's Day (promotion to applied automatically at Checkout). This promotion will end at 23:59, 08 March 2024.
To Redeem a Promotion Code:
- Enter your Promotional Code in Shopping Bag or Checkout.
- Click “Apply.”
If your Promotional Code is valid, your discount will be shown in the payment summary section. If you have multiple promo codes, enter each one separately into the promo code field and click “Apply” for each.
Please note that we maintain the right to cancel any orders if an unauthorized promo code is used.
If you have any questions, please Contact Us.